Remember to breathe! by lambertk
04.19.10, 3:38 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I have been so busy lately.  I just realized that I haven’t blogged for a month.  To make things worse, I just made a to-do list of everything that I need to do to finish the semester and events for work.  It looks never-ending!  On top of this I am still applying for summer jobs and internships, a job that has proved to be no easy task. 

Feeling stressed as ever, I stood on the Tenth Street Bridge, coming back from South Side Saturday night.  Gazing at the beautiful city skyline at night was calming and made me think.  I spend each day feeling stressed and pressured for the future.  I load myself down taking 18 credits to double major and minor and graduate on time.  I spend endless hours at my internship to build my resume and make networking connections for future job opportunities.  I participate in clubs and organizations on campus, and try to go to the gym on a daily basis.  Everyone holds me to certain expectations and I have to balance my time to carefully meet all requirements.  I get too caught up in the future.  It is good to feel some pressure and anxiety about all that you have to accomplish.  Additionally, it is smart to be conscious of the future and have goals and a strategic plan to reach them.  Yet, remember to breathe and enjoy the now. 

Staring at the city skyline I realized that I only have one more year of college before I enter the “real world.”  I used to enjoy learning.  Now it seems like I am only focused on achieving a certain grade to strengthen my gpa or build my resume.  When I sit in my sociology classes I am inflamed with passion, and a true love for the subject.  I sometimes get frustrated at work thinking that I am wasting my time, forgetful of why I am there.  Yet, I remember a time when I was a passionate grassroots activist, fighting for the Democratic causes I believed in.  My preoccupation and overemphasis on the future led me to forget the important things in my life such as my drive for genuine learning, and passion for political engagement.  As I watched the city at night I was inspired to take a breath and remember to enjoy life.  Now through the 6 papers, 5 finals, and 7 work events I have before the end of the semester I will be refreshed and recharged to do my best!

Be inspired and remember the now!

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taking time to smell the flowers is great.
Who photographed the city with the moon?
Nice shot.

Comment by rutheh

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