Looking to Next Semester Already? by afederoff
03.22.10, 3:10 pm
Filed under: AlyssaF, Bloggers, Class of 2013 | Tags: , , ,

In high school, our schedules were basically made for us. Oh sure, we were able to choose an elective… sort of. At my school, it was “pick a fine art elective” which consisted of drawing, ceramics or the musical arts of chorus, orchestra or band. We also were required to take a “hands-on elective” and I somehow ended up with Woodshop. I was the only girl in the class, and of course, just the year before someone apparently got their finger flown completely across the room by the band saw. And while, of course there are requirements to achieve a liberal arts degree, but I’m pretty sure none of them involve flying extremities.

First semester of freshmen year, I found that my schedule was already made for me. I’m still not really sure how this happened, but it seemed to be geared toward my interests and I had no complaints. Second semester, I quickly made my schedule with my advisor, much like I did in high school. We sat down together and looked through the course catalog until I devised a schedule that was fitting to my needs.

This semester, I am more independent. As a sophomore, I just submitted a tentative course schedule to my advisor online. I picked out all of the classes myself, and made a morning friendly schedule. Hopefully, I did a good job and I get the ok to register for them!


The surprise gift of a cancelled class! by katzb
11.16.09, 9:10 pm
Filed under: Bloggers, BrittanyK | Tags: , , , , , ,

A student's favorite word.

When I checked my e-mail this morning, I had received an e-mail that said my German class was cancelled today. Any student knows that type of e-mail can make a dreary Monday much more manageable! I just so happen to have another cancelled class this week because my professor will be out of town. Cancelled classes are few and far between, but the surprise gift of an extra hour of free time gives me a break, without the guilt of skipping class! Today, I plan on hitting the Power Center an hour early during the time I usually have German class. That way, I can have more time for homework before my night class.
On the flip side of the cancelled class high is the bummer of having to go to class next Monday and Tuesday to make up for the G-20 break. (Don’t forget: Monday Nov. 23 is a Thursday schedule, and Tuesday Nov. 24 is a Friday schedule.) Not only does this shorten Thanksgiving break by four days, but it is really confusing for tired students pining for a break! I would much rather be done for Thanksgiving break on Friday afternoon, but thinking back to September 23-25, I remember being really grateful for a break then! The G-20 break was a month after school started, and I think we all really appreciated the respite from classes!

With classes getting cancelled, rescheduled and shifted days, my comfort comes from knowing we only have a few more weeks until the end of the semester. Next month at this time, I’ll be sleeping, baking Christmas cookies, and NOT thinking about school!
